Sunday, August 22, 2010


Did you make it down to AURAL GRID yesterday? What was your experience of the piece? What did you hear? What did you think? What did you feel?

Please leave a comment!


  1. This was really amazing. Really, really amazing. We need more events like this in the 'Nati. <3!

  2. This excellent project brought diverse groups of people together, both on the performance and listening ends.

    The musicians in the performance had varying musical tastes, backgrounds, and abilities, yet each was able to play a part, and further, determine her or his own contribution.

    The audience seemed to be a cross-section of every day Main Street pedestrians combined with music and art enthusiasts, all of whom seemed to mix and mingle while taking in the music.

    Most fascinating was the way the music and sounds behaved during the piece-- melding with the ambient noises of the urban setting, bouncing off buildings and echoing in strange ways. It seemed almost as if the physical environment itself was generating the sound-- as if the neighborhood was the performer.

    My only suggestion for future events like this would be increased encouragement of audience participation. It would be sweet to use flyers and promotional materials as an opportunity to encourage people attending to bring instruments or sing. Perhaps the the piece's structure and keys could be made known, allowing those on the ground to participate and become part of the music.

    Thank you. This event was amazing!


  3. Lovely! Loved the way ambient street sounds (car speakers, church bells, pedestrian voices) blended into the mix. And now I can say I've seen a fiddler on the roof! :-)

    Suzanne Warren

  4. Incredible: the experience wasn't only about the artistic contribution, it embodied the simple creation of interaction between a diverse group. Congrats on a job well done, hope that is happens in September! - Micah Paldino

    suddenly music filled the air. people filled the streets--smiling, joyful. a baby pushed its own stroller. couples stopped and hugged. a sofa levitated three stories in the air. sun-soaked clouds danced in bright blue skies.
    -Bill Slone

    The art became everything

    everything became the art

    the music was poured from rooftops
    and who knows where-else

    up Main st. there were many people

    just standing around

    looking intense

    (it turns out )

    ... listening intensely -

    the (sweet) sounds

    floating down

    from the buildings

    the music mixes with the sounds of the city/the sounds of the city mix with the music


    The sound(s) of the city

    is/(are) music


    the art became everything

    everything became the art

    as up Main st.

    people were just standing around

    listening/looking/ experiencing the music

    and (a part of) the city

    and the city as music

    and the wonderful sight

    of people on a (not raining from 5 to 6) day

    just hanging out

    and experiencing



    8-23-2010 - Jeff Stout


Questions, Thoughts, Inspirations, Critiques, Conversations? Post them here!